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Aftercare Program

The St. Clair Institute Aftercare Program is an evidenced-based pre- and post-release adult aftercare/reintegration program for offenders and reentrants that seek to ensure their successful transition into the community. This program provides treatments aimed at addressing mental illness and substance use to prepare pre-release and former inmates for a successful, positive, and healthy re-entry into the community. The program targets individuals with repeat misdemeanor and nonviolent felony offenses who are at risk of re-offending, at high to moderate risk, have a mental illness, or co-occurring disorder, and seek recovery at little to no cost. The St. Clair Institute Aftercare Program is designed for offenders who are mandated by the court, referred by community partnerships, and/or volunteer for the program.


The program supports a reduction in jail days and recidivism through the provision of intensive evidence-based therapeutic intervention and direct assistance. This includes aftercare, with the aim of achieving improvement in psychiatric symptoms, treatment of substance abuse, and teaching the necessary life skills for community stability, and a crime-free lifestyle.