Call us: +340 774 2972

About Us


Brief History

Having experienced living with a sibling suffering from a chronic mental illness since the late 1970s, I have a unique perspective on what it feels like. I understand feeling stigmatized, not understanding the condition, and having no options for care for a loved one’s suffering. As a child, I watched my mother struggle to secure and maintain adequate treatment and services for his care. I believe she was a pioneer for the mentally ill, as this was an unchartered territory at the time. So much has changed in the industry. However, the Virgin Islands remains light years behind the rest of the country in providing a continuity of care for this struggling population. This institute seeks to provide individuals with options for quality care for their loved ones diagnosed with Mental Illness/behavioral issues through a Continuum of Care. The St. Clair Institute will honor my mother’s legacy, who has valiantly advocated for better treatment and services for my brother and all other mentally ill individuals in the Virgin Islands.

+340 774 2972


Short term Goal 1-year plan

• Secure funding of 150K through grants and donations
• Establish partnerships with stakeholders within the VI community
• To roll out and effectively service 25-125 people per program over the next year.
• Secure a van to transport targeted individuals.
• To open an outpatient facility to promote health and wellness to the people of the VI.

Intermediate 3-year plan

  • To secure funding of 500K or more to successfully roll out all 3 programs within the Virgin Islands.
  • To establish a brand that will be widely recognized as a staple for Behavioral Health Services.
  • Secure a building for halfway home

Long Term plan- 5 year plan

  • To have multiple locations of half-way homes and outpatient facilities throughout the territory.
  • To secure renewable grant funding and donations to sustain programs being offered and provided to our most vulnerable population.