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Homelessness in the Virgin Islands: Statistics, Facts, and the St. Clair Institute’s Response

Homelessness in the Virgin Islands: Statistics, Facts, and the St. Clair Institute’s Response

Homelessness in the Virgin Islands: Statistics, Facts, and the St. Clair Institute’s Response

The Virgin Islands, a popular tourist destination, is also home to a significant homeless population. According to the most recent Point-in-Time homelessness survey, conducted in January 2023, there were 318 people experiencing homelessness in the territory. Of those, 111 were unsheltered, meaning they were sleeping on the streets, in parks, or in other places not meant for human habitation.

The homeless population in the Virgin Islands is disproportionately male and Black. In 2021, 96% of homeless individuals were men and 90% were Black. Homelessness also affects a large number of children and families. In 2021, 26% of homeless individuals were children under the age of 18.

There are a number of factors that contribute to homelessness in the Virgin Islands, including:

  1. Lack of affordable housing
  2. Poverty
  3. Unemployment
  4. Mental illness
  5. Substance abuse
  6. Domestic violence
  7. Natural disasters

The St. Clair Institute is a non-profit organization that provides mental health assistance to homeless individuals and families in the Virgin Islands. The St. Clair Institute also works to advocate for policies and programs that will help to prevent and end homelessness in the Virgin Islands.

Here are some ways that you can help support the St. Clair Institute’s work to end homelessness in the Virgin Islands:

  1. Donate to the institute
  2. Volunteer your time
  3. Raise awareness about homelessness in the Virgin Islands
  4. Contact your elected officials and urge them to support policies that will help to prevent and end homelessness

Together, we can create a Virgin Islands where everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home. For more information, call us today at (340)774-2932.